Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Tutors Placed with a Mentor

Starting  with this new class of graduating tutors, an experienced mentor tutor will be assigned to support the new tutor with general questions, lesson planning and co-teaching if desired.
What do you think of this new program?  As a new or long time tutor would you like this service available to you and how do you think  it would be helpful?
Carolyn, Tutor Coordinator

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tutor Mentor Program Launches !

A committed and spirited group of tutors met on November 10th to brainstorm ideas for what a mentor program could involve.  Our group identified many  support needs  for new and experienced tutors, and compiled a list of skills and different levels of involvment that a tutor can provide as a mentor.
As  a practicing tutor, what support would you like  the BoulderReads!to coordinate with one of these mentors peers as you journey with your adult learners towards their reading and writing goals?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tutor Mentor Program

Would you be interested in having a tutor mentor?  An experienced tutor, sometimes an educational specialist, who you can call or meet with your concerns or for  lesson ideas  can soon be at your disposal. What would you like in a tutor mentor? How could such a mentoring  program help you in your role with your student?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Writing Process for your Adult Learners

BoulderReads! will be adding workshops for training on the writing process to provide good resources and materials for teaching writing.
What are your ideas for this process and how we can help?